Our Book


Western Civilization has been falling since 1964, with roots going back to 1948, and earlier.

Every time National Retail-Grocery Stores are forced to CLOSE, within specific locations, due to high costs of shop-lifting, vandalism, and CRIME, is the fatal result of POST-1964 legislation, demonstrates symptoms of Western Civilization’s, over 60 year, falling decline. Every time Nationwide Police Officers are “FIRED-DISMISSED,” and/or, even legally jailed or imprisoned, for doing their jobs, to protect all honest US Citizens, demonstrates symptoms of Western Civilization’s, over 60 year, falling decline.

Every time Nationwide US Civilian Employees, or US Military Members are grossly vile “FIRE-DISMISSED-PENALIZED,” for Exaggerated Fabricated “RACIST” Allegations, amid daring to licitly defend themselves, defend others, and defend property, completely exhibits symptoms of Western Civilization’s, over 60 year, falling decline.

Every time any US Citizen is “FIRED-DISMISSED-PENALIZED,” for saying/writing which demographic RACES are committing most nationwide CRIMES, according to all national scientific statistics, exhibits gross symptoms of Western Civilization’s, epidemic tragical over 60 year, falling unwarranted decline.

Every time US Cities are flooded with “ILLEGAL/LEGAL MIGRANTS,” which exhaust US Tax Payer Resources, and deprive homeless US Citizens of shelter, clothing, or food, reveals gross symptoms of Western Civilization’s, epidemic over 60 year, falling decline. Every time US Citizens are “FIRED-DISMISSED-PENALIZED,” for saying, or writing words indicating patriotism of American Heritage, or European Ancestry, vile establishes gross symptoms of Western Civilization’s, epidemic over 60 year, falling decline.

Western Civilization’s, epidemic over 60 year, falling decline, is the result of disgusting legislation which was passed through a BLACKMAILED, US CONGRESS, against the will of majority 1948, 1964, and 1965, US Citizens, has generated more harmful policies.

Currently, what affects America, affects far worse, all other parts of Western Civilization.

Presently, what has devasted our United States since before 1964, currently is destroying all vast major parts of Europe Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, reveals gruesome symptoms of Western Civilization’s epidemic over 60 year, falling decline.

To save Western Civilization, specific Post-1948/1964 legislation must be legally altered.

This book publication is the result of over 40 years national/international experience via numerous volunteer “unpaid” desired anonymous author researcher contributors, with documented university completion, and also based upon military, intra civilian ventures.