
George Hutchins, Prior Prococative U.S. Congress Candidate

George Hutchins
Combined Authored Project
About The
George Hutchins, A Representative Of Numerous Requested Anonymous Author Contributors, Was A Controversial US Congress Candidate Who Was ‘Censored/Black Listed’ By The RINO North Carolina Republican Party, Amid The Course Of Two Elections For Alleged “WHITE RACIST” Implications.
George Hutchins (MPA) (MA) (BS), Is A Full-Time Regular US Army ‘Sergeant’ DESERT STORM 1991 Gulf War-Documented Combat Veteran, Full-Time Regular US Marine Corps ‘Corporal’ Veteran, USAR US Army Reserve ‘Parachutist’ SF Veteran, State Of Maine Army/Air Force National Guard Veteran, Evicted Short-Term Alleged “WHITE RACIST” USAFR US Air Force Reserve Veteran, With Prior Earlier Legal ‘German Army Reserve Auxiliary’ Membership.
George Hutchins (MPA) (MA) (BS), Is Also, A Master’s Degree (MPA) (MA) Public Administration Graduate, And Bachelor Of Science (BS) Criminal Justice-Pre/Law Bachelor’s Degree Graduate.
George Hutchins Has Traveled, Or Resided Within, To Several US States Through Both US Military Service, And Private Civilian Adventures.
George Hutchins Has Traveled/Resided Within Several Foreign Countries To Include IRAQ, KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA, QATAR, SOUTH KOREA, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, HOLLAND, Prior CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Waterloo-BELGIUM, Auschwitz-POLAND, AUSTRIA, And GERMANY, At During Key Historical Dates, Through Both US Military Service, And Private Civilian Adventures.
George Hutchins, With Numerous Requested Anonymous Author Contributors, Via Political Activists, Will Continue To Legally Fight Against Described BLACKMAIL CREATED Legislation, Vile WITCH HUNT “White Racist” Exaggerations, DOXXINGS, Which Have Destroyed Western Civilization Since 1964.